Snodd från jjennuy's blogg :)

1. Take your Ipod and shuffel
2. Write down the song that comes up
3. Don't cheat

How are you feeling today?
Do you believe in life after love

How do your friends see you?
One night in bankok

Will you get married?
Uptown girl

What is your best friend's theme song?
Hollywood girl

What is the story of your life?
Teenage dirtbag

What was high school like?

How can you get ahead in life?

My heart will go on

What is the best thing about your friends?
Utan dina andetag

What is today going to be like?
Alla som inte dansar

What is in store for this weekend?

What song describes you?
Never never

To describe your grandparents?

How is your life going?
No one

What song will they play at your funeral?
Hate that I love you

How does the world see you?
Shut up and drive

Will you have a happy life?
Shine on

What do your friends really think of you?

Do people secretly lust after you?
Touch the sky

How can I make myself happy?
Say my name

What should you do with your life?
Give it to you

Will you ever have children?
When doves fly

Postat av: jen

Will you ever have children?
When doves fly

typ nu eller ? :Ö

2008-03-04 @ 19:23:10

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